Project News

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On November 25th, Silvercreek Solar Park Inc. formally began it’s Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process by publishing a Notice of Proposal in the Aylmer Express. This notice also includes information relating to the Public Open House to be held at the German Canadian Club, December 18th 2009 from 4pm to 8pm. The full notice can be seen below. This notice will run again December 9th, 2009.

Click to see the Notice of Proposal & Open House

For more information about this notice contact us

November 25, 2009—Notice of Proposal and Public Open House

On December 11th, Silvercreek Solar Park Inc., in order to meet its obligations under the Renewable Energy Approval has posted a Draft Project Description.

On December 18th, Silvercreek Solar Park Inc., held it’s first open house at the German Canadian Club in Aylmer Ontario.  Comments were accepted until January 4 2010.

December 11, 2009—Posting of Draft Project Description & Open House

On August 1, 2012  Silvercreek Solar Park posted a Notice of Open House in the Aylmer Express and posted all the draft Renewable Energy Approval Documents for public review and comment for 60 days.  This Notice also contains information on a Public meeting being held October 4, 2012.

Click to see the Notice of Open House

Click to see the Draft REA DocumentsAvailable upon request only

On July 4, 2011, Silvercreek Solar Park Inc. was offered a Feed-in Tariff (FIT) contract from the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) as part of the Bruce to Milton Transmission Line expansion.

Please click here to see the OPA notice with further details regarding the contract awards.

July 12, 2011— Silvercreek Solar FIT Contract Offer

August 2, 2012—Notice of Open House       

October 5, 2012—Display Materials from October 4 Open House 

On October 4, 2012  Silvercreek Solar Park and ORTECH Power hosted the second project open house in support of the Renewable Energy Approval. Display boards and comments sheets can be accessed from this open house at the links below. Comments regarding the open house materials and the Draft REA documents posted on August 2, 2012 are being accepted until Monday November 5, 2012 at 4pm.

Click to see the Open House Display Panels

On May 23, 2013 The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) informed Silvercreek Solar Park that the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Application for the project had been deemed complete and had passed into the next phase of review.  This technical review phase includes a 30 day period of public comment on the Environmental Registry as EBR posting  011-9209.

As required Silvercreek Solar Park is posting the final REA submission for review and comment, as well a Notice will be published in the Aylmer Express on Wednesday May 29, 2013.


If you have any comments on this proposal you feel should be included as part of the MOE’s review process please direct them to:


Sarah Raetsen

Senior Program Support Coordinator

Ministry of the Environment

Operations Division, Environmental Approvals Branch

2 St. Clair Avenue West

Toronto, ON; M4V 1L5

Phone: 416-325-3306 or 1-800-461-6290

Fax: 416-314-8453


Or electronically through the EBR form.

Comments will be accepted until June 22, 2013

Click here to go to the EBR posting (011-9209) and for further information learn on how to submit comments on submission.

Click here to view the Stakeholder Letter from May 28, 2013

Click to view the Newspaper Notice published May 29, 2013

Click here to view the Final REA Submission documents

May 27, 2013—Final REA and EBR Posting for Public Comment    

November 14, 2013—MOE Grants Renewable Energy Approval    

On November 13, 2013 the Ministry of the Environment granted Silvercreek Solar Park their Renewable Energy Approval for the 10 MW ground mounted Solar Facility outside of Aylmer.

Click here to see a copy of the REA Approval

Click here to go to the EBR Decision Notice (011-9209) and for further information regarding the Decision and hearing provisions.


Silvercreek Solar Park has finished contracting services and will begin elements of construction on the Project site in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions related to this work.

February 3, 2014—OEB Application for Electricity Generation Licence     

Silvercreek Solar Park has applied for an electricity generation licence as a Feed-in Tarriff Participant. As Part of this application SCSolar is required to post the Notice of Application and Written Hearing. The Notice outlines how individuals may participate.

A copy of this application is available for public review at the Silvercreek offices as required. Please contact us for further details.

Click here to view the Notice of Application and Written Hearing

October 9, 2014—Silvercreek Solar Farm is now in Operation      

Silvercreek Solar Park is now in Operation! The Project achieved the milestone date for commercial operation in July 2014. Ongoing commissioning activities and testing will continue on the site until approximately the end of October. If you have any questions with regards to the ongoing operations please contact us at