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Silvercreek Solar Park Inc. is a 10MW ground mounted solar PV installation in Elgin County, Ontario; 9 kilometers south of the Town of Aylmer Ontario. This development occupies 35 hectares (88 acres)  of privately controlled land. The Project has been developed as part of the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) Feed-in Tariff process and was subject to the permitting and approval requirements of the Province of Ontario’s Renewable Energy Approvals (REA) Process.


A REA process was completed in 2013 which required comprehensive stakeholder consultation, and included posting of draft studies and reports in advance of public meetings and discussions. 

Available studies and reports prepared for this process can be found in the Project Documents section, and project status updates can be found in the Project News section.


If at any time you wish to contact us regarding materials posted on this website, please use the information listed in the Contact Us Section.

Uwe Roeper

Silvercreek Solar Park

804 Southdown Rd.

Mississauga, ON; L5KJ 2Y4


Phone: 905-822-4120 x.248

Toll Free: 1-877-774-6560 x.248

E-mail: info@silvercreeksolar.com

Silvercreek Solar Park, Aylmer, ON

NOTICE October 9, 2014: The Silvercreek Solar Park reached commercial operation in July of 2014, and is now fully operational.  Our contact person has changed, please see the Contact Us page for more details.

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